Friday, March 20, 2020

Covid-19 Pneumonia: Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction, 清肺排毒汤 Qing Fei Pai Du Tang

Dear mates, (Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction, 清肺排毒汤 Qing Fei Pai Du Tang, for Covid-19 Pneumonia, Check out the actual related photos too. ) 

I hope none of us has a chance to use this but it’s important to know such a great thing exists:
If any of us, our friends or relatives have been diagnosed positive for coronavirus Covid-19, we may try this Chinese herbal formula: Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction 清肺排毒汤 Qing Fei Pai Du Tang.  It’s from section of 《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》 Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia of Covid-19 infection (Trial 7th edition), released on March 3rd, 2020 by 国家卫生健康委办公厅, General Office of National Health Commission, China.

A quick summary of the Chinese medicine treatment procedures of section 10.4:

Section 10.4.1 is for scenarios of observatory cases; 10.4.2 is for confirmed cases; is what we’re reading now, highly effective decoction widely used with great result from a few teams led by Academician Prof Dr 仝小林 (TONG XiaoLin), for Mild, Regular and Severe cases of confirmed cases; Section covers mild cases of Cold-Damp vs Damp-Heat respectively; covers Regular cases with Toxin Dampness vs Cold-Damp; covers 2 scenarios of severe cases; covers a critically severe case; covers 2 scenarios of recovery on enhancing Lungs and Spleen systems vs Qi and nourishing Yin replenishment.
The diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia of Covid-19 infection covers both modern med and traditional Chinese med. I can only cover the Chinese med parts by my limited professions.

Please consult your local registered Chinese medicine doctors for state/national/federal medical procedures for Chinese herbal prescriptions. Also, prescriptions should/can be tailored according to severity of symptoms, local seasonal climate (humidity, rain or drought, north or south atmosphere, winter-to-spring or summer-to-autumn), and unique body syndrome of the patient. Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction 清肺排毒汤(临床治疗期 (确诊病例); Clinical treatment for confirmed cases; For: Mild, Regular and Severe patients. 轻型、普通型、重型患者

* Up to March 13th, 2020, there have been 1261 cases in 10 provinces who used and are using the modified decoction. Overall effectiveness has been 97.78% Among them 1102 were cured, 29 cases symptoms disappeared, 71 cases with improving conditions. 28 out of 40 severe cases were cured and discharged from the hospitals. The remaining 12 with 10 of them improving - from severe to mild.

Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction (Basic):
Ma Huang 9g, Zhi Gan Cao 6g, Xing Ren 9g, Sheng Shi Gao 15~30g (boiled 20 minutes earlier), Gui Zhi 9g, Ze Xie 9g, Zhu Ling 9, Bai Zhu 9g, Fu Ling 15g, Chai Hu 16g, Huang Qin 6g, Jiang Ban Xia 9g, Sheng Jiang 9g, Zi Wan 9g, Dong Hua 9g, She Gan 9g, Xi Xin 6g, Shan Yao 12g, Zhi Shi 6g, Chen Pi 6g, Huo Xiang 9g.

清肺排毒汤 (基础方剂):
麻黄 9 g、炙甘草 6 g、杏仁 9 g、生石膏 15~30 g(先煎)、桂枝 9 g、泽泻 9 g、猪苓 9 g、白术 9 g、茯苓 15 g、柴胡 16 g、黄芩 6 g、姜半夏 9 g、生姜 9 g、紫菀 9 g、冬花 9 g、射干 9 g、细辛 6 g、山药 12 g、枳实 6 g、陈皮 6 g、藿香 9 g。

Indications and functions:

The formula warms and mobilizes lungs energy to dispel external coldness on neck, shoulders and upper lungs, so that one breathes well. It dissolves cold dampness/phlegm/mucus and flushes them off thru gentle sweating and wee-wee. It also warms and moves cold food stagnation at the middle burner of spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder systems.

Not suitable for people with lots of phlegm heat and heat toxins.


- Traditional dried herbs, boiled with water in a pot. One bag for each day, boiled from 4x200ml to 200ml or less, in about 40 minutes. While waiting for the cup of 200ml decoction to cool down, do the second boiling of 3x200ml to 200ml in 25 minutes or so (Use hot water for the 2nd boiling). Mix and even out the 2 cups. While warm, drink one cup. Drink the 2nd cup 8 hours later. Boiled twice, taken twice, 8 hours apart, each about 200ml, 40 minutes after breakfast and dinner. Taken warm. 3 bags, 6 drinks in 3 days for 1 treatment.

- If conditions allow so, eat/drink half a bowl of warm rice porridge after herbs. Reduce Sheng Shi Gao if there is no fever. If conditions improve but not fully recover take another treatment course of 3 days.

- The formula can be modified accordingly to other symptoms and chronic illnesses. Consult local registered Chinese med doctors. Stop the herbs when all symptoms disappear.


- Up to March 3rd, 2020, the whole Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia of Covid-19 infection has got 7 editions; that of Chinese medicine 4 editions.

- This Cleansing Lungs Detoxification Decoction is comprised of 4 Decoction formulas from 麻杏石甘汤 Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction、射干麻黄汤 Shegan Ephedra Decoction、小柴胡汤 Xiao Chai Hu Decoction、五苓散 Wuling Powder (All from 《伤寒杂病论》《Shānghán Zá Bìng Lùn》 "Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases and Discussion on Complicated Illnesses" of 张仲景 Dr ZHANG ZhòngJǐng (150AD-219AD)) and plus and minus.

- IMPORTANT: This is a very powerful decoction; only for patients tested positive with Covid-19 and with the relevant symptoms and the need to mobilize the lungs and dissolve dampness. Patients without pneumonia symptoms characterized by Covid-19 taking the decoction may lead to very weak body. Therefore it’s very crucial to stop the herbs when all symptoms subside.

- ALSO IMPORTANT: Don't stock up this herbal prescription; leave them at Chinese herbal shops so Covid-19 positive patients can get them when symptoms are showing up. What goes around comes around.

Please help translate this to any languages to help more people.

Thank you.

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