Monday, August 23, 2021

Sun SiMiao Thirteen Ghost Points

 Sun SiMiao's Thirteen Ghost Points


Use: Treatment of Mental / Schizophrenia / Mania / Epileptic disorders caused by other ‘BEINGS’ in the body. 


Diagnosis test: Pinch both sides of the root section of the middle finger of the patient with the thumb and index finger [like taking the pulse in traditional Chinese medicine manner]. If there is a strong sense of beating/pulse, there is an external evil. If there is no such sign, it is a physical epilepsy. 


Su SiMiao's Thirteen Ghost Points


1. Ghost Palace: RenZhong/ShuiGou DU26 three fens

2. Ghost Faith: ShaoShang LU11 three fens

3. Ghost Fortress: YinBai SP1 two fens

4. Ghost Heart: TaiYuan LU9 half cun / DaLing PC7 five fens

5. Ghost Road: ShenMai BL62 (fire needle) three times

6. Ghost Pillow: FengFu DU16, two fens

7. Ghost Bed: JiaJu ST6 five fens

8. Ghost City: Chengjiang RN24 three fens

9. Ghost Road/Ghost Cave: LaoGong PC8 two fens

10. Ghost Hall: ShangXing DU23 two fens

11. Ghost Hide: Upfront of RN1 three fens

12. Ghost Servant: Quchi LI11 (Fire Needle) 5 fens

13. Ghost Seal: Haiquan Ex-HN11 Puncture blood, apply a needle horizontally, so that the tongue does not move. This method is very effective.


May add JianShi PC5, HouXi SI3 two points are especially wonderful.


(Must be taken in sequence from point 1 to point 2 and so on.) For men the points are taken from Left to Right; for women it’s from Right to Left.

Odd number days are Yang; Even number days are Yin. (Lunar calendar: Ex: Aug 23rd, 2021 is the seventh month and 16th (EVEN number) day of lunar calendar; and therefore a Yin day.)

For Yang days and Yang hours, needles turning right;

For Yin days and Yin hours, needles turning left. (Days supersede Hours)


When piercing the thirteenth acupuncture points, the doctor should ask the being orally: Who are you? Where are you from? Why are you here? Gentle and polite please. Listen to the being attentively. Record down carefully. When things have become silent the needles should be withdrawn.



-Modern records of 13 Ghost Points can be found in the "Reference Materials" in the appendix of textbook "Acupuncture and Moxibustion" compiled by Jiangsu School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (predecessor of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) in 1957. As for the thematic argumentator, none have been seen.


-The Thirteen Ghost Acupoints are from “备急千金要方 Preparation for Emergency Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang; 《备急千金要方·卷十四·风癫第五》 Volume Fourteen; Feng Dian (Wind Craziness) Number Fifth" written by 孙思邈 SUN Simiao (581-682 AD), a great physician in the Tang Dynasty.


-Sun Simiao clearly stated that he quoted "扁鹊 Bian Que" from the Bian Que school of the Warring States period (475 BC-221 BC). The Bian Que school reflects the early stage of the formation of Chinese medicine, and one of its characteristics is that it does not distinguish between medicine healing and witches healing.


- While compiling the 13 ghost points of Bian Que, Sun Simiao took the trouble to describe similar major mental illnesses, carrying more than 40 kinds of mental symptoms and corresponding acupuncture points and treatment methods, and the content is rich and colorful.


- For most situations up to the first 5 and 6 points is good enough. Going further may complicate the issue as it burdens and stresses the being in the body. What we want is a win-win situation that cordially invites the being to leave in peace by listening to his or her stories and offer appropriate apologies and some rectifying solutions acceptable by the beings. 


- When the being surfaces / is present, likely at point 4 or 5, the whole room would feel cold. The coldness would feel from within bones too.


- Only those who cultivate moral merits and practise the way of universal life should carry out these thirteen ghost points treatments.

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